Cynthia Rowe was born in Melbourne, Australia. Graduate of Melbourne University, she has taught secondary and tertiary French and English in both Victoria and New South Wales. She has been awarded the degree of Writing Fellow of the Fellowship of Australian Writers NSW Inc.
She has spent time in France and the French territories, getting to know these places well, and was awarded a Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française by the French Ministry of Education.
Cynthia has published five Young Adult novels: Our Hollow Sofa, Ants in My Dreadlocks, Stinger in a Sugar Jar, My French Barrette and Bad Grass, together with general fiction novels Couscous Threads and Pennyweight Flat. Her short stories have appeared in national magazines such as Woman’s Day, That’s Life!, Tarralla 5, Signatures, Positive Words, Blue Crow Magazine, Writers Voice and Alliance Française magazine.
She has been broadcast on National Community Radio.
Cynthia’s poetry can be read in Atlas Poetica, bottle rockets, Chrysanthemum, Contemporary Haibun Online, Eucalypt: a tanka journal, Famous Reporter, FreeXpresSion, Haibun Today, Jack Stamm haiku anthology, Kokako, Modern English Tanka, Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose, Moonset: Literary Newspaper, Notes From the Gean, page seventeen, paper wasp: a journal of haiku, Poetrix, Positive Words, Shamrock Haiku Journal, Signatures, Simply Haiku, Stylus Poetry Journal, Tea Towel Tanka, The Heron’s Nest, 3Lights Journal of Haiku, Senryu & Tanka, Yellow Moon, and the FAWNS and The Haiku Foundation websites.
Her play, Not the Vice-Chancellor, was performed in the Short and Sweet Festival Sydney 2008.
Cynthia’s hobbies are reading, gemology, SMSing her friends and watching French programmes on the satellite dish.
Currently she is Past President of the Bondi Writers’ Group, Immediate Past President of The Australian Haiku Society and Editor, Haiku Xpressions.